Sitting in the audience, waiting for the highlight…
eBook: Cologne – Light and Shadows
Cologne – Light and Shadows is a ‚Fine Art Photo Book‘ with emotional classic black and white Photographs with some favorite Motifs of picturetom. picturetom® is the Artist Name of Thomas Schmidt. He is an independent ‚Old School‘ Photographer and Artist. Independent photography by picturetom refers to photographs that are created in accordance with the creative vision of the photographer as artist. Independent photography stands in contrast to assignments and commercial photography.
Download at iTunes Store for iPhone, iPad, iPod touch and Mac, 2,99 €
Köln-Kollektion 2013
Die Motive der Köln-Kollektion von picturetom, edel gerahmt mit Museumspassepartout.
Schwarz-Weiss Motive
Farb Motive
Rhein-Energie Stadion
Rheinenergiestadion (Müngersdorfer Stadion) im Kölner Stadtteil Müngersdorf. Heim- und Spielstätte der Bundesligamannschaft des 1.FC Köln. Ausschnitt von Tribüne und Dachkonstruktion nach einem Spiel.